How to get better at knowing what you want for yourself

As a life coach, people come to me with all kinds of difficulties.

My job as a coach isn’t to tell them what to do. Instead, I help them reconnect with their own truth, so they can figure out their own next steps — now and in the future.

A very common tool that I use for that process is emptiness.

I know, I know, “emptiness” doesn’t sound sexy or exciting. But I promise it's crucial to helping yourself out of just about any personal difficulty you find yourself in.

I recorded a video for you – check it out below.

After you watch the video, promise me you’ll take even 60 seconds to do the practice I suggest. Pretty please? I know it’ll help.

As always, I’m rooting for you. You’ve got this.



When your partner struggles to help you feel better when you're down


Feel like you're off track? Read this.