The thought that has made 2021 an insane year of growth for me

2021 is barely halfway over, and already, it has been an astonishing year of personal + professional growth for me.

When I say “astonishing,” I mean it. As in: no one is more astonished than me about how this year is turning out.

I’ve never felt more confident and skilled as a coach, and my clients have never gotten better results. My business has grown financially in ways that I used to be afraid to admit I wanted.

I feel physically well. Mentally sharp. Happy, a truly astonishing amount of the time.

Oh and: I freaking have 1-year-old twins.

Katie Seaver, life coach, Life coach los angeles, Best life coaches los angeles, best celebrity life coach, Life coach california, Personal coaching los angeles, Personal life coaching california, Certified professional life coach

Let's flash back to December 2019. I'm on the grey couch in my living room, crying to my husband: I’m not sure I can handle twins. I’m going to fall apart. My business is going to crumble.

Many factors helped make this year astonishing (Getting great childcare! All of these!). But there was one thought that I consciously decided to believe this year…and I think it made a huge difference.

Here it is: I believe I can learn anything with the right teacher.

It sounds simple, I know.

But don’t underestimate it.

I believe I can learn anything with the right teacher.

One example, of many:

In January, I admitted to myself that I wanted to grow my coaching practice — to reach more people, and to make more money — and I wasn’t sure how. I was a bit ashamed, to be honest, that I hadn’t figured out how to do it on my own already.

But I reflected on it and decided: I believe I can learn anything with the right teacher.

So instead of feeling ashamed…I went out and found a teacher — a coach. And she freakin’ rocked my world. It turned out that I could be more successful while feeling calmer and less tired.

I have done this on several key occasions this year. My teachers have been coaches, books, courses, a stylist, and a design agency. Many of my lessons are still in progress.

But mostly, I am astonished by the potency of the thought: I believe I can learn anything with the right teacher.

If I believe I can learn anything with the right teacher, then it’s totally fine that I don’t know how to do what I want to do yet.

My only job is to go and find my teacher.

Going and finding the right teacher takes patience. It takes humility. For me, it also took a decision: “I am willing to spend money to invest in myself.”

(That has been another lesson of this year. I have never invested in myself to the degree that I have in 2021. And yet: my investments have paid astonishing returns.)

I have good news: there’s still time for your 2021 to astonish you.

Do you believe that you can learn anything with the right teacher?

What would happen if you did believe it?

As always, I’m rooting for you in the week ahead. You’ve got this.


p.s. Would you like me to be your teacher?

I’m really, really good at helping people feel amazing about their lives.

Finally making progress on that screenplay. Finally finding a new job. Doing higher quality work, with fewer hours. Feeling: calmer, happier, more connected, more productive.

I’m currently fully booked, but I have 3 openings for new clients in October. I’m getting booked in advance now — so I’d recommend reaching out now if you’d like to have a fall start.

(Plus, how fun would it be to finish out the summer — lazing on the beach, reading a book with a cold La Croix next to you…knowing that you’re about to start a fun + life-changing life coaching engagement in the fall?)

Learn more about my work + apply for a consult here.


Lemme tell you about this chart.


Screen-Free Weekends + 3 other intentional tech ideas