Levels of “yes”

Here’s a reminder: Don’t forget that there are levels of “yes.”  

A “hell yes” is not the same as a “just-clearing-the-bar yes.”

There’s a “good-enough-for-this-year yes” and a “good-enough-for-today yes”

A “slight yes," a "moderate yes," and a "strong yes"

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Different decisions require different levels of “yes.” Just because it’s a “yes” of some kind, doesn’t mean you should do it. Time and energy and money are all limited and sometimes you’ve gotta make hard trade-offs.

Lately, I’ve been talking to a lot of people about whether or not to get married to someone they’re dating. It’s been coming up with old friends, and also with people I've just met. Marriage is a complex, personal decision, but I found myself saying this over and over, and it seemed to resonate just about every time. I think it applies to other decisions, too — what job to take, where to live, and whether get ice cream or buy those sequined shoes.

So, in case it is helpful: Don’t forget that there are levels of “yes.” Just because it’s a “yes,” doesn’t mean you should do it.

You’ve got this.



Here’s something I’ve been reminding myself lately


A 6-point argument about chronic stress, anxiety, or always feeling a little emotionally tired.